
Use of the website(s) of Animalis Dier-, Fok- & Showbenodigdheden VOF (hereafter to be referred to as Animalis) is subject to the following conditions and restrictions. Access to and use of these website(s) means that the user is deemed to have taken note of these terms of use and the Privacy Policy and to accept them.

Animalis takes the greatest possible care to manage its website(s). Nevertheless, it is possible that the information displayed or provided is not complete or incorrect. Animalis expressly rejects any liability for any damage resulting from access to and use of or the information on the site(s) and sites that are linked / linked to these sites. Animalis accepts no liability whatsoever for the information and / or recommendations that are published on the sites or that are accessed through the sites. This information and recommendations are subject to change without notice. The information provided is not legally binding. Animalis is in no way liable for the consequences of activities undertaken on the basis of the site(s).

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The content of the site(s) has been compiled with the greatest possible care. No guarantee or explanation, express or implied, is given with regard to the reasonableness, correctness or completeness of the information published on the site(s) or to which access is provided via the site(s). Animalis does not accept any liability for the possible consequences of the fact that the site(s), for whatever reason, are not available (undisturbed) at any time. The site(s) can be temporarily or definitively withdrawn from use without prior notice. Animalis does not guarantee that the site (s) are free of viruses or other similar disruptive elements.

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All data displayed on the site(s), including texts, photos, illustrations, graphic material, (trade) names, logos, goods and service marks are owned or licensed by Animalis and are protected by copyright, trademark law and / or any other other intellectual property right. The (intellectual) property rights are in no way transferred to (legal) persons who gain access to the site(s). The user of the site(s) is responsible for the choice and use of the content of the site and therefore entirely at his own risk. This site is intended for personal use, whereby the user of the site(s) is not allowed to multiply, modify, delete, forward, distribute, distribute or make available the fee for the content of the site(s) to third parties, without the express written permission of Animalis.